物件価格 | $1,175,000 |
投資種別 | 実需/投資 |
想定利回り(CAP Rate:実質予想利回り) | ASK |
物件タイプ | 戸建 3 BR + 2.5 BA |
築年数 | ASK |
延床面積 | 1,612 SQ FT |
エリア | Beverly Hills! |
This is an incredible opportunity to own a home for this price in Beverly Hills!
物件価格 | $1,175,000 |
投資種別 | 実需/投資 |
想定利回り(CAP Rate:実質予想利回り) | ASK |
物件タイプ | 戸建 3 BR + 2.5 BA |
築年数 | ASK |
延床面積 | 1,612 SQ FT |
エリア | Beverly Hills! |
This is an incredible opportunity to own a home for this price in Beverly Hills!
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